Bio Fil Inc. will use a variety of advertising channels to increase it exposure to cigarette companies and consumers.

Marketing Strategy

Print Media

Print advertisements will be placed in national newspapers and magazines nation wide.


Bio Fil Inc. will develop an informative website to inform consumers and companies of the new product. The website will be search engine optimized and contain a number of features including: company profile, contact information, management team, and detailed product information. Facebook and Tweeter will also be utilized to increase product exposure.

Environmental Agencies

Bio Fil Inc. will contact environmental agencies to inform them of the benefits of a biodegradable filter and how it can help the environment, wildlife, and the entire planet as a whole. Environmental agencies will help to pressure cigarette companies to change to a filter that is biodegradable.

Legislative Change

Increase in costs to clean up and pollution in our oceans, government worldwide are imposing stricter regulations and high tax on cigarettes. Bio Fil Inc. strongly believes that new regulations will pass to mandate cigarette companies to use filters that are biodegradable in the future.

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